I'm keen that disappearing photographic techniques are catalogued for future enjoyment. The Gelabrome process is a variant of the Carbro process. There seems to be very little on the internet about it and very few, if any, current alt-pro artists using it. I have had a few attempts, but so far the gelatin has come … Continue reading Gelabrome
Category: Blog
Fungus is an ever-present danger to optical equipment. This post describes the threat to our precious kit ... The likelihood is that you, dear photographer, will have fungus-affected equipment, whether that be lenses, camera prisms, mirrors or viewfinders, especially if you live in the tropics (even here in the UK, the climate is becoming more … Continue reading Fungus the bogeyman
It has been 12 years since I created this blog as a way of educating myself about photography in its technical, socio-historic, and aesthetic aspects. The idea was that writing about it would require me to consider any lessons formally and therefore (hopefully) more perspicuously. What have I learnt? Over these 12 years, I have … Continue reading What have I learned in the last 12 years?
One of the delights of Bromoil I'm finding, is the range of things that you can do to express how you feel about an image ... Abandoned Farm, North Dakota - Bromoil Print ©Tony Cearns Straight image from the neg The key parts of the picture for me is the wooden side of the house, … Continue reading Bromoil technique
Silverprint Limited, as film photographers will already know, is no more, at least in its recent form. It came as a surprise, although it probably shouldn't have. So what, if anything, should we think? Introduction Silverprint Limited has been in business selling all things film-photographic for many more years than I care to remember. I … Continue reading Silverprint