I look at lots of photographs. I really look at them…
I try to imagine taking the photograph myself and then printing it up, looking at the decisions that I would make. A step to the left? A more open lens? A square format? More shadow detail? A lith print? And so on. This is one of the ways I try to learn photography.
With so much invested in this process it’s important to choose your photographers wisely. Below is a list of photographers/printers that I am currently investigating. I got help compiling the short list.
- Bruce Rae
- Albert Watson
- Vivian Maier
- David Elwand
- Irving Penn
- William Mortenson
- JA Mortram
- Kirk Toft
- Wright-Morris
The idea is to connect with each one and single out the important thing that makes their photography work for them. If one can reliably attribute a photographic style to an individual photographer, then, I figure, one has learnt something valuable about seeing.